A novel dynamic model and refined method for implementation of the Earned Value Management (EVM) on nuclear power equipment procurement is proposed in this paper. The EVM is known as an efficient and accurate method for progress and cost control in most of the civil engineering systems; however, there is lack of literatures on the EVM for precisely measuring the procurement progress in large-scale complex industrial projects, such as nuclear power plant systems. A novel dynamic measurement model based on the EVM is first established for evaluating the progress and performance of purchasing the nuclear power equipment, including specified details of operating procedure by quantitative valuing each schedule node based on work breaking-down structure (WBS) elements; then the dynamic model is analyzed and verified by a realistic contract of nuclear power equipment procurement. Furthermore, a nuclear power project under construction is studied and the equipment procurement progress is evaluated by applying the novel dynamic measurement model. Finally, the deviation of equipment procurement contract execution is presented by calculating the performance of progress and cost, which helps identify and analyze the delay risks. The dynamic measurement model has been applied in an abuilding nuclear power plant since January 2015, the results of applying the new model providing significant support to the progress and cost control of equipment procurement and bringing considerable profits to the project management. Based on the investigation and results of the above project, the new dynamic model is viable to be employed in future projects of nuclear power plant as a practical reference for applying the EVM in procurement management.

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