Coal is regarded as important fuel because of its stable supply and low price, but coal is blamed for its CO2 emission. Japanese utilities are making efforts to improve thermal efficiency and to expand biomass co-firing. On the other hand, CCS technologies are under development as a countermeasure for global warming and demonstration projects planned in several power stations are announced in world wide. As CO2 capture from power station requires huge in-house power, thermal efficiency is deteriorated. To make a breakthrough, NEDO started a project to develop the high-efficiency oxy-fuel IGCC system. This system recirculates gas turbine exhaust gas to both gasifier and gas turbine combustor. Recirculated exhaust gas is used both to feed pulverized coal to gasifier and to dilute syngas in gas turbine combustor. The target efficiency is 42% at HHV basis, equivalent to state of the art coal-fired power station. Various studies were done to confirm the concept of this system and to develop fundamental technologies necessary for the system since 2008 to 2014 as NEDO project. Based on the achievements, the project made another step since 2015 as a five-year joint NEDO project with MHI and MHPS. This paper introduces the latest status of this project executed by CRIEPI by referring several related papers.

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