Conventional methods of the compressor performance analysis do not allow effective design matching to the specific operating conditions of cyclical or unsteady operated machines. Under dynamic loading the actual compressor performance often departs from the best efficiency region reducing its cycle efficiency. This departure may be caused by a number of reasons such as non-controlled deceleration, speed or torque constraints, and rapid boundary conditions variation caused by the cycle operation. In order to analyze this influence of cycle dynamics on compressor performance a modified lumped-parameter compressor-system model was applied. The model included time-dependent boundary conditions, effects of flow compressibility, motor and compressor inertia, and was combined with compressor speed control. The study was performed within the system constrains, e.g. surge avoidance, maximum motor torque and impeller speed. Results of the developed analysis showed that in the presence of rapidly changing boundary conditions the average cycle efficiency is strongly affected by the design specific speed of the compressor.

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