The present study addresses SYNGAS combustion in static chamber, using both experimental and numerical approaches, in order to derive the quenching distance and heat flux in laminar syngas–air flames. Three typical mixtures of H2, CO, CH4, CO2 and N2 are considered as representative of the syngas coming from wood gasification, and its laminar combustion will be performed in a static spherical vessel. A two dimensional CFD model is used and validated under experimental runs. The classical Woschni model based on the hypotheses of forced convection and the Rivère model based on kinetic theory of gases are included in the CFD approach. The paper considers two different approaches for chemical reactions: the use of eight reactions and the multizone model. Temperature and pressure analysis is also being carried out. The numerical results are in good agreement with experimental ones. This study could be very useful in predicting the physical conditions of the quenching distance where the measurement is not possible such as in engines and the possibility of using this model in internal combustion engines.

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