This paper provides an extension of the previously described [1] formulation of a one-dimensional model for steady, compressible flow inside a channel, to the steam turbine application. The major challenge faced in the network simulation of the steam turbine secondary system is the prediction of the condensation that occurs during the engine start-up on the cold parts that are below the saturation temperature. Neglecting condensation effects may result in large errors in the engine temperatures since they are calculated based on the boundary conditions (heat transfer coefficient and bulk temperature) which depend on the solution of the network analysis.
This paper provides a detailed formulation of a one-dimensional model for steady, compressible flow inside a channel which is based on the solution of two equations for a coupled system of mass, momentum and energy equations with wall condensation. The model also accounts for channel area variation, inclination with respect to the engine axis, rotation, wall friction and external heating. The formulation was first validated against existing 1D correlation for an idealized case. The wall condensation is modeled using the best-suited film condensation models for pressure and heat transfer coefficient available in the literature and has been validated against the experimental data with satisfactory predictions.