The titanium 48-inch last stage blade that has world’s largest class exhaust annulus area and tip speed for 60Hz steam turbines has been developed. Concept of this blade is to achieve high performance and compact design of steam turbine for 1000MW thermal power plant and 300MW combined cycle plant. In the design of this blade, the optimization design has been done by using the recent analysis technologies, three dimensional CFD in aerodynamic design and FEA in mechanical design. The blade has curved axial fir-tree dovetail, snubber cover both at the tip and at the mid-span. To achieve superior vibration characteristics, continuously coupled structure was adopted for blade connection. To confirm the validity of design, first, sub-scale model blades were provided and tested in model steam turbine test facilities. Second, one row of actual size blades were assembled on the wheel of test rotor and were exposed rotating vibration test in a wheel box. Finally, these blades were tested at actual steam conditions in a full scale steam turbine test facility. In this paper, aerodynamic and mechanical design features will be introduced, and the test results of both sub-scale and actual size blades under real steam turbine operating conditions will be presented.

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