Aiming at Foster Wheeler (FW) technology down-fired boiler with horizontal F layer secondary air, in which the strong horizontal momentum of the secondary air seriously pounds the down flowing coal gas flame, making the problems of short trip of coal flame and low flame fullness of the furnace, and this leads to higher carbon content of fly ash and so on. A designed adjusting device making the declivitous angle of secondary air is erected in the F layer wind box of a FW down-fired furnace, so the declivitous angle of secondary air can be regulated freely. By this means, the declivitous angle of the F layer secondary air is able to be refined depending on the real combustion situation to achieve the best configuration of the momentum radio by downward momentum from the arch and horizontal momentum from the front/rear wall. As a result, it is able to adapt the change of the furnace combustion situation, extending the flame travel, and improving the combustion process and efficiency. This method was applied to a 300MW grade FW down-fired boiler, and the cold flow field results by fireworks showed the down flow depth of the primary air increasing with the declivitous angle. The best flow field was achieved as the declivitous angle was set to 45°. Based on the cold flow field experiments, combustion experiment was accomplished to compare with the coal combustion performance before the declivitous refinement of the F layer secondary air. It was shown that the carbon content of the fly ash was greatly decreased after the refinement, and the combustion efficiency was increased by 3.3%.
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ASME 2011 Power Conference collocated with JSME ICOPE 2011
July 12–14, 2011
Denver, Colorado, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Power Division
Experimental Study on the Effects of Declivitous Angle of Secondary Air on the Flow Characteristics and Coal Combustion of a Down-Fired
Jian Shi,
Jian Shi
Guizhou Electric Power Test and Research Institute, Guiyang, China
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Yuzhong Chen,
Yuzhong Chen
Guizhou Electric Power Test and Research Institute, Guiyang, China
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Yubo Hou,
Yubo Hou
Guizhou Electric Power Test and Research Institute, Guiyang, China
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Bin Yao
Bin Yao
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
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Jian Shi
Guizhou Electric Power Test and Research Institute, Guiyang, China
Yuzhong Chen
Guizhou Electric Power Test and Research Institute, Guiyang, China
Yubo Hou
Guizhou Electric Power Test and Research Institute, Guiyang, China
Bin Yao
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Paper No:
POWER2011-55433, pp. 235-238; 4 pages
Published Online:
February 28, 2012
Shi, J, Chen, Y, Hou, Y, & Yao, B. "Experimental Study on the Effects of Declivitous Angle of Secondary Air on the Flow Characteristics and Coal Combustion of a Down-Fired." Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Power Conference collocated with JSME ICOPE 2011. ASME 2011 Power Conference, Volume 1. Denver, Colorado, USA. July 12–14, 2011. pp. 235-238. ASME.
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