The role of different levels of nitrogen in natural gas on the emissions of NOx was investigated in a furnace. Nitrogen was added to the natural gas in concentrations of 4, 7 and 11% by volume. In addition, a trial was carried out as a baseline with 0.17% N2. The thermal load of the furnace was 90 kW and was kept constant in all four trials. Flue gas temperatures were measured with a small suction pyrometer, as well as incident heat flux with an ellipsoidal radiometer. In addition, flue gas composition was conducted at the stack of the experimental furnace. NOx emissions decreased as nitrogen was added to natural gas. This was due to the reduction of flue gas temperature near the burner zone where the thermal mechanism can play a significant role. With 11% nitrogen in natural gas, the flue gas temperature and the incident heat flux near the burner were the lowest, but the highest at the furnace exit. Therefore, care should be taken to avoid damages in gas turbines or furnaces while burning natural gas with high nitrogen content.

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