Reliability and structural integrity are two of the most important factors to be considered in rotating mechanical components design. Numerical techniques had shown to be necessary tools for the evaluation of mechanical components of power plants stations, and oil industry. According to the application, mechanical components are subjected to number of loads. As a consequence, relatively high stresses may occur on the component during service and its life time become limited. In this paper the non-linear numerical techniques more often used for that evaluation are presented. Two-dimensional non-linear boundary element and finite element methods are applied to obtain the stress measures for a turbomachinery component. Elastic analysis with large deformation is presented. The non-linear elastic boundary element implementation incorporates the displacement and the traction boundary integral equations as well as finite deformation stress measures. Boundary element programs, which are based on the non-linear theoretical approach has been developed. In order to evaluate the non-linear boundary element approach with domain type loading, a rotating disc case was analysed. This case study introduces a hyper-singular boundary element method which applies the sectorial symmetry concept that reduces the problem associated with the large number of boundary elements and internal cells in boundary element models of sectorially symmetric structures. Numerical results has been shown that the non-linear formulation lead to accurate solutions. Using an axisymmetric model of a low pressure steam turbine rotor of a 300 MW electric power unit a non-linear analysis was carried out. Results shown that the non-linear effect on the stress, strain and total deformation is located in the centre of the rotor near the surface of the central bore. From this, more mechanical damage can be generated after a number of cycles during the expected time life of the rotor.
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ASME 2009 Power Conference
July 21–23, 2009
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Power Division
Non-Linear Numerical Techniques for the Analysis of Turbomachinery Components
Jose´ Manuel Franco-Nava,
Jose´ Manuel Franco-Nava
Instituto de Investigaciones Ele´ctricas, Cuernavaca, MOR, Me´xico
Search for other works by this author on:
Oscar Dorantes-Go´mez
Oscar Dorantes-Go´mez
Instituto de Investigaciones Ele´ctricas, Cuernavaca, MOR, Me´xico
Search for other works by this author on:
Jose´ Manuel Franco-Nava
Instituto de Investigaciones Ele´ctricas, Cuernavaca, MOR, Me´xico
Oscar Dorantes-Go´mez
Instituto de Investigaciones Ele´ctricas, Cuernavaca, MOR, Me´xico
Paper No:
POWER2009-81214, pp. 419-427; 9 pages
Published Online:
September 22, 2010
Franco-Nava, JM, & Dorantes-Go´mez, O. "Non-Linear Numerical Techniques for the Analysis of Turbomachinery Components." Proceedings of the ASME 2009 Power Conference. ASME 2009 Power Conference. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. July 21–23, 2009. pp. 419-427. ASME.
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