Instruments based on airborne/structure borne ultrasound technology offer many opportunities for reducing energy waste and improving asset availability in power plants. They expand the concept of “Condition Monitoring” to include much more than basic mechanical fault inspections. Since these instruments detect friction, ionization and turbulence, their inspection capabilities range from trending bearing condition to determining lack of lubrication, locating compressed air leaks and detecting arcing, tracking and corona emissions in both open and enclosed electric equipment. Portable, instruments based on this technology are used to trend and analyze bearing condition, detect leaks (pressure and vacuum), test valves and steam traps, identify electrical problems and identify potential problems in gears, motors and pumps. This presentation will provide a brief overview of the technology, its applications, energy savings cost analysis and suggested inspection techniques.
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ASME 2009 Power Conference
July 21–23, 2009
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Power Division
Ultrasonic Condition Monitoring in Power Plants
Alan Bandes
Alan Bandes
UE Systems, Inc., Elmsford, NY
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Alan Bandes
UE Systems, Inc., Elmsford, NY
Paper No:
POWER2009-81128, pp. 345-351; 7 pages
Published Online:
September 22, 2010
Bandes, A. "Ultrasonic Condition Monitoring in Power Plants." Proceedings of the ASME 2009 Power Conference. ASME 2009 Power Conference. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. July 21–23, 2009. pp. 345-351. ASME.
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