This article presents the supervision and testifying process during the start of commercial operations of several turbogas plants generating electricity rate of 32 MW each fuelled by natural gas. Supervision and testifying process were conducted at the request of the customer to confirm and observe that the evidence of commissioning, testing and operation of acceptance tests were carried out as specified by international regulations, calling the outcome of each tests agree the applied rules. The work was done in collaboration with the supplier and manufacturer of equipment, the client and the institution responsible for certification and approval of the plant. All this according to a logical and chronological order for the sequence of tests commissioning, operation and acceptance. Tests for putting into service are carried out on-site at normal operating conditions, according to the design and operation needs of the plant. Once implemented in full and in a satisfactory manner, test operation of each plant was carried out considering that they must operate automatically, reliable, stable and secure, fulfilling at least, one hundred hours of operation at full load. After completed operation tests are conducted, acceptance testing on the power plant and integrated approach to assessing the quality of the product were accomplished. Finally, it was verified if each unit meets the technical requirements established in terms of thermal capacity of the machine, noise levels and emissions. As a result of this supervision and testifying process, it is guaranteed to the client that the power plants and all their equipment, comply with the requirements, conditions and specifications in agreement with the supplier, concerning test of putting into service, operational and acceptance tests.

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