In the early twenty-first century, emphasis on fossil fuel emission reductions was focused on gaseous emissions. NOx emissions were recognized as precursors of smog and as such adversely affected the quality of life. Lately, emphasis on emission reductions has shifted to solid emissions. Particulates are recognized as health hazards that contribute to respiratory ailments. Fossil fuel combustion — so fundamental to the nation’s economy — unfortunately produces both emissions. Thus, the development of after-treatment technologies to treat fossil fuel combustion was pursued. Imposition of after-treatment technology proved costly from both application and maintenance aspects. In some instances, introduction of after-treatment technology caused a decrease in fuel efficiency. In view of the foregoing, it is important to note that there is a technology that REDUCES gaseous AND solid emissions of liquid fossil fuels. Furthermore, this technology can INCREASE fuel efficiency. The technology that can deliver this “triple-crown” of dual emission reduction and enhanced fuel efficiency is EMULSIFIED FUEL TECHNOLOGY (EFT). In this paper, we consider the constitution, production and characteristics of Emulsified Fuels. Then we consider their combustion and the environmental benefits that can accrue to their utilization. Finally, we consider past applications of EFT and the future markets for this intriguing technology.

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