Coal fired power stations are among factors mostly polluting atmosphere by greenhouse gases, especially by CO2. Strong efforts are done to reduce this pollution, increasing the generation efficiency by gasification of coal, development of super -critical power units and so on. For the existing power station good results may be achieved by simultaneous optimization of the operation condition including proper choice of the fired coal. An analysis of data collected in IEC, where more than 60% of electricity is generated in coal fired units, makes it possible to explore dependence of greenhouse gases emissions (CO2, SO2, NOx,) on the fired coals composition and operation condition. As a tool for the above data analysis computer technique, created in IEC, was used. The technique is based on a modular numerical model including elements corresponding to furnace, boiler, turbine and the whole power unit. It permits to reveal the influence of the coal composition on the boiler and the whole unit performance, as well as on the pollutant emissions. The technique application permitted to separate impact of the two factors: the coal composition and operation conditions on specific emissions of the pollutants. The main result of the study is that the optimization of operation condition while proper choice of the coal provides decrease of pollutants emissions. 2. Bioconversion of CO2 emitted by power stations by intensive photosynthesis is one of the mostly efficient ways for carbon emissions mitigation, especially in countries with high solar activity. Agricultural projects based on CO2 enrichment by flue gases -greenhouses, water ponds for macro and micro algae growing, forests, citrus orchards and other biological systems, if placed in the neighborhood of the coal-fired power stations with high content of CO2 in the flue gases, can be profitable also because of use of cheap low-potential heat and the station infrastructure. Efforts for removal of pollutant components of the flue gases will be compensated by high CO2 content. First steps in this direction have been done by IEC in collaboration with MATI Lev-ha-Galil, Hishtil Nurseries, ARO and IOLR, with support of the R&D Division of the Ministry of the National Infrastructure and showed feasibility of the proposal.
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ASME 2005 Power Conference
April 5–7, 2005
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Power Division
Mitigation of Carbon Dioxide Emissions of Coal Power Stations
B. Chudnovsky,
B. Chudnovsky
Israel Electric Corporation, Haifa, Israel
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G. Jinjikhashvily,
G. Jinjikhashvily
Israel Electric Corporation, Haifa, Israel
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Y. Schweitzer,
Y. Schweitzer
Israel Electric Corporation, Haifa, Israel
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A. Talanker,
A. Talanker
Israel Electric Corporation, Haifa, Israel
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R. Meir
R. Meir
Israel Electric Corporation, Haifa, Israel
Search for other works by this author on:
B. Chudnovsky
Israel Electric Corporation, Haifa, Israel
G. Jinjikhashvily
Israel Electric Corporation, Haifa, Israel
Y. Schweitzer
Israel Electric Corporation, Haifa, Israel
A. Talanker
Israel Electric Corporation, Haifa, Israel
R. Meir
Israel Electric Corporation, Haifa, Israel
Paper No:
PWR2005-50037, pp. 639-656; 18 pages
Published Online:
October 27, 2008
Chudnovsky, B, Jinjikhashvily, G, Schweitzer, Y, Talanker, A, & Meir, R. "Mitigation of Carbon Dioxide Emissions of Coal Power Stations." Proceedings of the ASME 2005 Power Conference. ASME 2005 Power Conference. Chicago, Illinois, USA. April 5–7, 2005. pp. 639-656. ASME.
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