The three dimensional blading had been used for years in the process of turbomachine designs. In need of turbine blade designs in an efficient manner, the current advancement of CFD technologies allows effective 3D predictions of a complex 3D flow field in turbine blade passages, which can improve the turbine blade performances. Since numerous advantages of 3-D CFD usage had been reported in the open literature, many industries already started to use 3D blading in their turbomachines. In addition, a blade lean and a sweep for the blade design had been also implemented to increase the blade row efficiency. Experimental studies have shown some advantages of these lean and sweep features. Most of the experimental results combine many other features together. However, it is difficult to determine what the effects of different features should be. In this study, detailed numerical analyses were developed and these were used to present the results to gain better understanding of different feature of 3D blading for turbine designers and engineers. Throughout this paper performance impacts on different 3D features are presented and the superiority of the present approach is discussed.

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