The Input/Loss Method is a unique process which allows for complete thermal understanding of a power plant through explicit determinations of fuel chemistry including fuel water and mineral matter, fuel heating (calorific) value, As-Fired fuel flow, effluent flow, boiler efficiency and system heat rate. Input consists of routine plant data and any parameter which effects system stoichiometrics, including: Stack CO2, Boiler or Stack O2, and, generally, Stack H2O. It is intended for on-line monitoring of coal-fired systems; effluent flow is not measured, plant indicated fuel flow is typically used only for comparison to the computed. The base technology of the Input/Loss Method was documented in companion ASME papers: Parts I, II and III (IJPGC 1998-Pwr-33, IJPGC 1999-Pwr-34 and IJPGC 2000-15079/CD). The Input/Loss Method is protected by US and foreign patents (1994–2004). This Part IV presents details of the Method’s ability to correct any data which effects system stoichiometrics, data obtained either by direct measurements or by assumptions, using multi-dimensional minimization techniques. This is termed the Error Analysis feature of the Input/Loss Method. Addressing errors in combustion effluent measurements is of critical importance for any practical on-line monitoring of a coal-fired unit in which fuel chemistry is being computed. It is based, in part, on an “L Factor” which has been proven to be remarkably constant for a given source of coal; and, indeed, even constant for entire Ranks. The Error Analysis feature assures that every computed fuel chemistry is the most applicable for a given set of system stoichiometrics and effluents. In addition, this paper presents comparisons of computed heating values to grab samples obtained from train deliveries. Such comparisons would not be possible without the Error Analysis.
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ASME 2004 Power Conference
March 30–April 1, 2004
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Power Division
Monitoring and Improving Coal-Fired Power Plants Using the Input/Loss Method: Part IV
Fred D. Lang
Fred D. Lang
Exergetic Systems, Inc., San Rafael, CA
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Fred D. Lang
Exergetic Systems, Inc., San Rafael, CA
Paper No:
POWER2004-52026, pp. 453-461; 9 pages
Published Online:
November 17, 2008
Lang, FD. "Monitoring and Improving Coal-Fired Power Plants Using the Input/Loss Method: Part IV." Proceedings of the ASME 2004 Power Conference. ASME 2004 Power Conference. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. March 30–April 1, 2004. pp. 453-461. ASME.
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