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Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. OMAE2023, Volume 8: Ocean Renewable Energy, V008T09A032, June 11–16, 2023
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: OMAE2023-102329
... Abstract The STABLEpipe JIP produced guidance for the on-bottom stability design of pipelines and cables on mobile or erodible seabeds. This paper describes the first known application of STABLEpipe Method C to assess behaviour of a cable with spatially varying properties (on-bottom weight...
Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. OMAE2023, Volume 3: Materials Technology; Pipelines, Risers, and Subsea Systems, V003T04A041, June 11–16, 2023
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: OMAE2023-104434
... Abstract Predicting the as-laid embedment of surface-laid pipelines and cables is important for estimating their in-service response. To date, design approaches have only considered flat seabed conditions. The as-laid embedment is estimated using vertical ‘lay down’ seabed springs...
Proceedings Papers

Proc. ASME. OMAE2019, Volume 1: Offshore Technology; Offshore Geotechnics, V001T10A005, June 9–14, 2019
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Paper No: OMAE2019-95262
... Abstract Soil cover, rock cover and a combination of soil and rock cover are common approaches to protecting pipelines, cables and umbilicals associated with offshore energy infrastructure. However, with the exception of a simplified rock cover case or a simplified sand cover case...