Small high-speed crafts cannot resist adverse waves by using their displacement. In order to improve their ability to execute tasks in heavy sea conditions, a concept of a small highspeed craft, the shuttle vessel (SV-SJTU) is proposed by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The angle freeboard is adopted to control hull wetness at high speed, and the slim wave-piercing design is utilized to produce smaller lift force.
Validated CFD methods were employed to calculate hull resistances and motions. The SV-SJTU hull is tested in the model scale of 1/6. Hull resistances and motions were predicted by using the overset mesh method and solving the URANS equations closed by the SST k-ω turbulence model. The VOF method is utilized to capture the complicated free surface.
Hence, the resistances and hull motions of SV-SJTU in calm water and waves at different speeds were obtained. With satisfying running attitudes and small resistances in calm water, the SV-SJTU experiences soft motions in harmful sea conditions at high speeds without slamming or instantaneous large acceleration, which is different from normal crafts. Accordingly, the concept of a small high-speed craft that performs well in calm water and maintains in waves for soft motions at adverse sea conditions is validated.