
This article aims to understand the effect of the draft condition on the FIM of a semi-submersible platform (SS) with four square section columns. Model tests of a floating system supported elastically utilizing four springs were performed in a towing tank. A parametric study based on three main dimensions: the draft, H, the pontoon height, P, and the length of the square column face, L. Two studies were conducted for different H/L conditions: first, for a constant column aspect ratio, C/L = 1.00, where C = H-P; and second, for a constant P/L = 0.25. The spacing ratio of the columns was S/L = 4; where S is the distance between column centers. Two incidence angles of the current were carried out, namely 0 and 45 degrees. The results could be summarized using the column-pontoon ratio, C/P. The amplitudes in the transverse direction decreased by decreasing the C/P.

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