
During oil and gas drilling operations, formation gas (mostly methane) may enter the wellbore annulus or the drilling riser. This gas influx may get absorbed into the surrounding mud causing complexity for kick detection. Absorption mass transfer experiments of methane into four different fluid systems were performed. The continuous phase for all these fluids was Internal olefins (IO) which is widely used within the drilling industry as a base fluid. Two of the fluids were emulsions (Water as the second phase) and the other fluid comprised of Internal Olefins with Suspentone. Ultrahigh purity methane was used as the absorbing gas phase. The system pressure was kept at 100psi (0.689MPa) with a superficial velocity of 0.009 m/s. Volumetric mass transfer coefficients (kLa) from these experiments were individually determined using a bubble column with an internal diameter of 0.0381m. The volume of the liquid was kept constant during each of the tests. It was observed that methane in pure IO has the highest kLa value while its value is the lowest when it was flown through the IO/Water/suspentone fluid system. The reduction of kLa values was attributed to the increase of viscosity of the fluid and reduction of interfacial area of the IO due to the addition of water.

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