Cavities are widely used in marine vehicles and aircraft, the flow field inside these cavities is associated with strong acoustic effects, unsteadiness and turbulence. The flow characteristics and acoustic characteristics of cavities have become a hot research field, and the design parameters of openings are important factors affecting the flow characteristics of cavities. In this paper, some design parameters of openings are set to be variable, including the openings diameter, the opening spacing, the openings angle and the perforated plate thickness. A series of cavity structures with different opening design parameters are studied with large eddy simulation (LES) method. The numerical calculation is carried out by commercial CFD software FLUENT with structured grid. Large eddy simulation combined with acoustic analogy theory is used to study flow induced noise with different design parameters. The sound source is established based on the unsteady flow field in the cavity calculated by large eddy simulation (LES), then the far-field noise is predicted by the Fwowcs Williams Hawkings (FW-H) acoustic analogy theory, and the effects of various design parameters on the acoustic characteristics of the cavity are studied. The results show that the sound pressure level increases with the increase of the opening diameter, decreases with the increase of the opening angle, decreases with the increase of the opening spacing, and decreases with the increase of the perforated plate thickness.