
Multiphase flow through pipelines can result in severe pipe vibrations and fatigue damage. Commonly, finite element analyses are used to define the dynamic pipe stresses and calculate the lifetime of the piping. The fluid flow excitation forces can be estimated with analytical models or simulated in detail using computational fluid dynamics. If the vibration amplitudes are small, the fluid structure interaction is modelled uncoupled but additional damping due to fluid structure interaction should be added to the structural damping. When the uncoupled approach can be used, the methodology can be simplified by using random vibration theory in the frequency domain.

The study, where forces and pipe acceleration of a 1″ multiple bend piping system are compared with simulation results, is presented in two papers. In this part (part-1), the focus is on the description of the experimental setup and on the statistical analysis of the data. This includes the statistical description of the measurement to determine how long does one need to measure or simulate to get a statistically converged solution. In addition, a detailed comparison is made between the damage analysis via the Rainflow counting (in the time domain) and the Dirlik damage calculation (from the frequency domain).

Simulated pipe movements of fully coupled numerical simulations and simplified methods, as uncoupling fluid-structure simulations and random vibration estimation are compared with measured pipe movements in a second paper (part-2, OMAE2022-78758).

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