
This paper presents the complete qualification of the TechnipFMC flexible pipe Anti-FLIP solution termed Smooth-Carcass and uses a case study to show how this technology is a versatile and cost-effective solution to improve hydraulic performances of tie-back developments. The first commercial project for Smooth Carcass technology consists of 2 subsea wells gas tie-back to an existing facility connected by a total of 24 kms of flexible flowlines. Hydraulic modelling has been used to demonstrate the benefit of Smooth Carcass flexible pipe compared to a conventional rough bore flowline, reducing pressure losses in the production system. Hydraulic performance results are presented for different internal flowline diameters and roughness values considering the bathymetry of the field (180m to 1000m water depth) and tie-back distance to existing facility (∼20km). It is found that Smooth Carcass technology reduces pressure loss when benchmarked to a conventional carcass flexible pipe with a positive cost impact on procurement and installation by reducing flowline diameter size requirements.

Beyond the primary anti FLIP properties (Flow Induced Pulsation); Smooth Carcass is an evolution of the conventional carcass reducing pressure losses and optimizing bore size as well as upper flexible pipe layers. This paper demonstrates that Smooth Carcass is a smart, versatile and cost-effective solution which can add significant value to the customer and be a key enabler for future field developments.

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