Large diameter Sour Service Pipelines are designed for the safe and efficient transportation of production fluids containing H2S. This service condition exposes the pipe to hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms and demands a material with high Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) resistance, and thus, a high fracture toughness in a representative sour environment.
Engineering Critical Assessment (ECA) procedures are usually employed to determine the suitability of a pipeline design, these procedures require the correct determination of the material fracture mechanical properties.
Although Method D of NACE TM0177_16 [1] using DCB specimens is currently a recognized testing methodology to evaluate SSC pipe performance, other type of tests could be employed for the purpose of an ECA.
In the present paper, a fracture mechanics experimental program in sour environment is presented. Parent Pipe and Weld Material of Longitudinal Submerged Arc Welded (LSAW) large diameter pipes in H2S were studied. Fracture Toughness Parameters, such K-limit from standard DCB tests and K-threshold from Single Edge Notch Tension (SENT) specimens under constant loading, are compared and discussed. Furthermore, the fracture toughness values obtained from SENT specimens in sour environment are used to estimate the burst pressure using an ECA procedure.