
Oscillating water column (OWC) type wave energy converters (WECs) have been researched and developed. OWC WECs are relatively friendly to maintain them in operation because all of mechanical units are set above a sea water surface. In addition, a feature of an OWC device is similar to an air dumper system. Thus, it should be possible not only to harvest wave energy but also to reduce motion of a floating system at the same time. As well as WEC system should be used with other ocean renewable energies as a combined system.

This paper describes hydrodynamic characteristics of OWC devices and wave fields around them of multi-OWC devices equipped large floating structures. For this research, the linear potential theory based in-house programme code was applied to calculate hydrodynamic performance of OWC regions and elastic motion behaviours of the structures. Besides, calculation results were compared with some experimental results of characteristics of OWC devices on reference papers published. Then we proved validity of the calculation method. We have quantitatively summarized how much the reduction effect can be seen according to the aircushion placement and the number of aircushions on the floating body. the paper investigated arrangement of OWC devices on the floating structure with several variations.

Using the prediction method, effects of arrangement of OWC devices on the performances are investigated.

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