The submerged waterjet offers further benefits with respect to excellent stealth performance, low inflow energy loss, high propulsive efficiency at low and medium speeds, and excellent underwater acoustic performance. It also offers potential for space savings as a result of the high integration with the hull bottom. A parameterized stern line layout method for DTMB 5415 is proposed to design a new ship type fitted with submerged waterjet propeller. Based on the finite element method, the strength analysis and modal analysis of the new hull-form are carried out. The transom equipped with submerged waterjets is constructed by three main parameters which includes tunnel lengths, tunnel transverse positions and shaft angles. CFD calculation of hull flow field and resistance was carried out based on the designed new ship type to evaluate hydrodynamic load. Based on the finite element method, MSC.Patran/Nastran and Abaqus CAE was used to analysis the stress and deformation of the engine room under the static load, and the modal analysis of the engine room was carried out to calculate the vibration frequency and mode of the engine room. Numerical results show that the stress and deformation of the section are agree with the design and the section will not be broken. The different order total modal deformation and natural frequency are given, which lays a foundation for the research of vibration noise prediction and noise reduction technology of ship engine room.