
An investigation into the computation of hydrodynamic loads on a suspended cylinder in regular waves is presented. The primary goal was to perform a three-way validation of the loads between experimental measurements and simulations from two computational methods. Experimental measurements of the longitudinal in-line force on a cylinder suspended at a fixed position were available from the Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration, Continued, with Correlation (OC5) project, Phase Ia. These measurements were compared to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations based on the solution of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations, as implemented in STAR-CCM+. The study encompassed a sensitivity analysis of the loads computed in STAR-CCM+ based on wave modeling, boundary conditions, turbulence modeling, and spatial and temporal discretization. The analysis was supplemented by results generated with the offshore wind turbine engineering software OpenFAST, based on a hybrid combination of second-order potential flow and viscous drag from Morison’s equation. The focus of the investigation was on the assessment of the accuracy of the computation of first- and higher-order hydrodynamic loads. Substantial differences were observed in the numerical prediction of the second and third harmonic force contribution. Local flow field analysis with CFD was applied to study the physics of wave run-up and diffraction dynamics to identify the causes.

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