Nowadays, in maritime industries, container ships increase in size and they have large flares, which may induce nonlinear wave loads in large-amplitude waves. It is also well known that hydrodynamic forces acting on a ship and resulting ship motions show nonlinearities at some range of wave frequencies. Therefore, we should investigate not only correct estimation of wave loads and ship motions, but also nonlinear ship-motion characteristics in large-amplitude waves. However, it is not that clear which nonlinear hydrodynamic force terms are dominating for the nonlinearity in the ship motions. Although the linear equations of motion have been used, they should be modified to incorporate at least the most important nonlinear hydrodynamic forces and to establish a practical calculation method taking account of only the indispensable nonlinear terms. In this research, we did extensive experimental measurement of hydrodynamic forces and wave-induced ship motions, with which we aim to understand what are practically important nonlinear terms, and to derive practical nonlinear ship motion equations through numerical computation and comparison with experimental data.