
Linear diffraction modelling of irregular wave structure interaction is standard practice in both the frequency and time domains for fixed and floating bodies. This has been extended for the modular wave energy converter M4 with multiple floats and power take offs. In the time domain second-order forces assuming a stationary body have been added for floating wind energy platforms. This misses second-order, including mean, effects due to radiation damping, drag forces and the mechanical damping of wave energy conversion. If these are linearized they may be included in a frequency domain analysis. However mechanical damping and mooring forces on slack-moored platforms are generally highly nonlinear and time domain analysis is required. In this paper response is first computed with linear analysis and mechanical damping which has been shown to give reasonable prediction of experimental measurement for the response and power output of M4. The response gives the absorbed energy flux due to mechanical and radiation damping which is converted into a mean force through an average wave celerity. The model is extended to include a mooring and these mean forces; the computation is then repeated. The mean forces have negligible effect on response and associated power take off but determine the mooring forces. For a slack mooring zero stiffness is assumed. Comparing with wave basin experiments for the 6-float M4 configuration in operational conditions, mean mooring forces are generally underestimated, markedly for larger periods.

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