
Mooring chains may be installed with twist or become twisted during service. This paper describes an investigation of the effect of a range of twist angles on the fatigue life of studless chain through the use of detailed finite element analysis.

The analysis includes the local contact patch deformation and residual stress state that results from plasticity during the proof testing of the chain. The effect of high in-service tension resulting from storms that produces additional plasticity when the chain is loaded in the twisted state is also included. The change in fatigue life at the crown, inner bend and around the contact patch are assessed. Local to the contact patch the fatigue life calculation includes an assessment of the multiaxial stress state.

For small angles of twist the calculated fatigue life at the crown and around the contact increases and that at the inner bend sees a marginal reduction. At twist angles above 12 to 14 degrees per link the calculated inner bend and contact patch fatigue lives reduce markedly with increasing twist, but the crown fatigue life continues to increase.

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