
The paper introduces a parameterization of the DNV GL storm profile for developing an analytical model for calculations of the return period of a storm whose peak exceeds a given threshold. The DNV GL storm evolution is represented via an isosceles trapezoidal shape in which the minor base represents the storm peak duration, the major base the total storm duration and the height is half of the highest significant wave height in the actual storm. In this representation, the storm duration is not related to the storm intensity and it is fixed constant and equal to 42 hours, while the peak duration is assumed to be 6 hours. The parameterization proposed in the paper consists in expressing the peak duration as a fraction of the total storm duration allowing to investigate the effects of storm peak duration on long term estimates. The analytical solution for the return period is derived by following the classical approach of Equivalent Storm Models that is referring to the equivalent storm sequence, with the only difference that all the Trapezoidal Storm durations are identical whatever the storm intensity is. This assumption leads to significant simplification on the model development and potential employment as well. Further, a closed form solution is achieved for the return period which is also a generalization of the triangular shape. Finally, data analysis with NDBC buoys data is carried out for validating the model and elucidating analogies and differences with respect to classical Equivalent Storm approach. Results have shown that the Trapezoidal Model can be thought as a triangular one with a prudential factor on the storm peak duration which results in a reasonable overestimation of maximum expected wave height and return values.

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