
Application of steel plates with highly ductile is beneficial for ship owners, in order to improve structural redundancy and prevent environmental burden in accidental condition such as collision or grounding. Highly ductile steel, in which breaking strain is improved by 20% in comparison with conventional steels has developed, by optimizing microstructure. Excellent ductility was achieved selecting ferrite-perlite dual phase structure of ferrite phase which is advantageous for stable actual production. Morphology of ferrite phase control which consists of optimization of volume fraction and strengthening of ferrite phase itself by adding Si plays an important role to enhance ductility. The highly ductile steel of YP315 grade had acquired Class approval, and for ships to which high ductile steels are applied, ClassNK would assign the notation “Hull Protection by Highly Ductile Steel” (HP-HDS). MITSUBISHI SHIPBUILDING has evaluated the effect of highly ductile steel by numerical simulation for LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) Carrier owned by Astomos Energy Corporation and Iino Kaiun Kaisha, Ltd. It has been confirmed that highly ductile steel can improve the structural redundancy by 20% in accidental condition by being applying to side structure.

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