
On November 30, 2018, our attention was caught when analyzing wave profile time series measured by a platform mounted wave sensor (a SAAB REX radar) at Ekofisk, central North Sea. The 20-minute time series had not only one, but three consecutive waves with individual heights that all were more than twice the significant wave height, the two last of them being almost equally high with a factor 2.35 to the significant wave height of 4m (from 4σ(η), over 20 minutes).

Counting three rogue waves in one sequence seems to be very rare. In this study we analyze how the shape is evolving in space and time using linear and non-linear propagation methods developed by Mark Donelan [1,2] and Karsten Trulsen [3,4]. Weather conditions and characteristics of the sea state with the ‘Three Sisters’ (named the “Justine Three Sisters”) are presented. It is found that the Three Sisters occurred in a crossing sea condition, with wind sea and swell coming from directions 60 degrees apart, with about same frequency, but very different energy.

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