Numerical investigation on storm surge characteristics would benefit the planners and designers of coastal structures and offshore platforms along the Krishna-Godavari (K-G) basin. The adjoining coastline has a wide range of geomorphological features and varying geometries due to the sediment deposition from the two major rivers, Krishna and Godavari. Two severe cyclonic storms (SCS) Laila (2010) and Helen (2013) that approached the basin from two different directions and made landfalls closer to each other were analyzed for determining the storm surge heights and currents along the K-G river basin. The maximum water elevations and maximum currents during the storm event and evolution of storm surge heights at different locations were studied. It could be concluded from the study that when a SCS event approaches K-G basin, in addition to the tide and wave effect, a maximum storm surge height and current of 1 m and 1.2 m/s can be expected along the coast, respectively. Similarly, the surge and current in the offshore regions were found to be 0.3 m and 0.8 m/s, respectively. These values may be considered while deriving design parameters for the offshore installations. The critical regions in the basin were identified where high surge heights and currents are expected.

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