This paper mainly focuses on a theoretical methodology to calculate the fatigue life of tensile armor of flexible pipes. This approach employs the local model of flexible pipe that converts forces and moments obtained in time-domain global analyses into stresses in the spiral tendons of tensile armor layer. The stresses are then processed by rainflow counting methods, and S-N curves are adopted to evaluate the fatigue damage of tensile armors. Finally, Miner linear cumulative damage theory is used in order to calculate the accumulated fatigue damage. A case study on the fatigue life of a flexible pipe employing this methodology is presented, and the fatigue life of flexible pipe is obtained. The main points addressed in the study are the effect of mean stress and friction coefficients. The results indicate that the inner tensile armor at suspension point is the most prone to fatigue damage, in addition, mean stress correction and friction coefficients strongly influence the fatigue life of flexible pipes.

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