Collision and grounding accidents account for more than half of all accident cases in most cases. Such marine accidents cause severe structural damage to the ship and lead to marine pollution as well as life and financial loss. For preventing the loss of property and pollution, and preparing a countermeasure, it is needed to predict a residual hull girder strength after accident regardless of someone’s special skill. The aims of this study are to i) investigate the residual hull girder strength by quantitative approach with collision location (height and penetration), ii) develop an empirical formula for calculating a residual hull girder strength which whoever can calculate in association with collision locations. In this study, three kinds of ships such as very large crude oil carrier, Suezmax, and Aframax class double hull oil tankers are selected as target struck vessels. And, the Intelligent Supersize Finite Element Method (ISFEM) is applied to assess the residual hull girder strength of damaged structures after collisions. Based on the ISFEM results, an empirical formula for calculation of residual hull girder strength is developed as a function of the collision depth and penetration. The developed formula in this study can be applied by anyone, and rapidly calculate its strength for preventing sequential events (collapse, fuel spill, etc.) after collision.

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