To investigate the slamming pressure on the bottom of a wet-deck structure of a multihull vessel, the water impact problem of a stiffened steel panel is simulated by using a fully coupled ALE/FEM algorithm which is implemented in the commercial software LS-DYNA. The Lagrangian formulation is used to describe plane-strain deformations of the hull panel while the Eulerian formulation is applied to describe the fluid flow. The governing equations of this coupling problem are solved by using finite element method. The explicit finite element method is firstly validated through the comparisons of the slamming pressure and structural deflection between the numerical predictions and the published experimental data, for an elastic horizontal plate. Secondly, the parametric study of the mesh size in the impact domain of the FE model is performed. The total slamming forces obtained from three models are compared. To study the effects of the flexibility of the structure on the slamming load, the predictions of slamming pressure on several locations of the elastic panel are compared with the values obtained by using the rigid body model.
The water entries of the stiffened panel with two different deadrise angles, entry velocities, and thickness of plating are simulated. The results of the total slamming force, slamming pressure are presented and discussed.