The paper presents calibration of a time domain numerical model for the motions of the Exwave Semi in high seastates with current. The time domain equations of motion combine linear radiation, linear diffraction and second order wave drift forces, based on MULDIF diffraction code, with nonlinear forces from quadratic damping and from the mooring system. Calibration is performed by comparing simulations with model test data and adjusting hydrodynamic coefficients known to be affected by uncertainty. These include wave drift force coefficients, damping and added mass coefficients. Correction of the drift coefficients is based on empirical quadratic transfer functions (QTFs) identified from the test data by a nonlinear data analysis technique known as “cross-bi-spectral analysis”.

Initial “uncalibrated” numerical models are based on input from the mooring, vessel mass, MULDIF hydrodynamic analysis, decay tests and current coefficients. They need adjustments for surge and sway. Empirical drift coefficients, natural periods and damping coefficients are then adjusted by matching low frequency surge and sway spectra. Wave-frequency coefficients need no adjustment. Low frequency wave drift forces, damping and added mass need increase in high sea states, in particular with current. Final motion simulations show 30%–40% underestimation in initial simulations, while final calibrated simulations are close to the measured records.

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