In rough sea conditions, Semi-submersible platform often suffers from extreme wave impact loads, which can result in structural damage. It is important to predict the wave impact loads on Semi-submersible platform. A CFD method, based on a fixed regular Cartesian grid system, has been developed by the authors for wave impact loads on semi-submersible platform (Liao et al., 2017). However, time consuming is still the bottleneck of CFD method for industry application. In this study, a coupled potential-viscous flow method is developed for improving computational efficiency. In the present method, our CFD in-house code is coupled with MrNWB dynamic libraries using the Euler Overlay Method (EOM) (Baquet et al., 2017). Comparison of the computational accuracy and efficiency between our original CFD in-house code and the present coupled method will be discussed in detail, and benchmark model test will also be used to validate the present coupled method in wave impact simulation.

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