Geopolymers, being inorganic polymers created from rock sources, were evaluated as an alternative to Portland cement. To evaluate their usability some properties of a selected geopolymer were measured and compared with those from a neat class G Portland cement. The geopolymeric slurries showed a non-Newtonian viscosity behavior with a measurable, albeit low, yield stress. The pumpability measurements using atmospheric and pressurized consistometer showed an adequate set profile for both the geopolymer and cement sample. Static fluid loss test show that the geopolymeric slurries experienced a lower fluid loss compared to that of the Portland cement. The shrinkage factor for the geopolymers was reduced (expanded) as the downhole temperature was ramped up. The shrinkage of the Portland cement sample proceeded only with a lower rate. Tensile strength of the geopolymers was approximately 5% of their compressive strength; however, this value for Portland cement was approximately 10% of its compressive strength. Finally, shear bond strength of geopolymers would benefit from improvement.
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ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering
June 25–30, 2017
Trondheim, Norway
Conference Sponsors:
- Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Division
Geopolymers As an Alternative for Oil Well Cementing Applications: A Review of Advantages and Concerns
Mahmoud Khalifeh,
Mahmoud Khalifeh
University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway
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Arild Saasen,
Arild Saasen
University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway
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Helge Hodne,
Helge Hodne
University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway
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Torbjørn Vrålstad
Torbjørn Vrålstad
SINTEF Petroleum, Trondheim, Norway
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Mahmoud Khalifeh
University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway
Arild Saasen
University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway
Helge Hodne
University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway
Rune Godøy
Statoil, Stavanger, Norway
Torbjørn Vrålstad
SINTEF Petroleum, Trondheim, Norway
Paper No:
OMAE2017-61227, V008T11A029; 8 pages
Published Online:
September 25, 2017
Khalifeh, M, Saasen, A, Hodne, H, Godøy, R, & Vrålstad, T. "Geopolymers As an Alternative for Oil Well Cementing Applications: A Review of Advantages and Concerns." Proceedings of the ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Volume 8: Polar and Arctic Sciences and Technology; Petroleum Technology. Trondheim, Norway. June 25–30, 2017. V008T11A029. ASME.
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