This paper presents some outcomes from a four years (2013 – 2016) long research project investigating validation of ship specific simulation models. In contrast to the other initiatives such as SIMMAN 2008 [1] and SIMMAN 2014 [2], the R&D project “Sea Trials and Model Tests for Validation of Shiphandling Simulation Models” (SIMVAL [3]) investigates model development and validation methods for specific vessels. For these vessels, the yard’s documentation of manoeuvring characteristic was available for the researchers. In addition, the project has been given permission to perform different sets of sea trials on selected case vessels. As far as possible, these sea trials were designed to document vessel-specific operations such as low-speed manoeuvres and dynamic positioning. Other papers presenting results from the SIMVAL project will be given in a separate session, Session 12–14, in the Torgeir Moan Symposium at OMAE2017.

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