The added resistance of a ship was calculated using Maruo’s formula [1] involving the three-dimensional Kochin function obtained using the source and normal doublet distribution over the wetted surface of the ship. The density of the doublet distribution was obtained as the solution of the three-dimensional frequency-domain forward-speed Green integral equation containing the exact line integral along the waterline. Numerical results of the Wigley ship models II and III in head seas, obtained by making use of the inner-collocation 9-node second-order boundary element method have been compared with the experimental results reported by Journée [2]. The forward-speed hydrodynamic coefficients of the Wigley models have shown no irregular-frequencylike behavior. The steady disturbance potential due to the constant forward speed of the ship has also been calculated using the Green integral equation associated with the steady forward-speed free-surface Green function since the so-called mj-terms [3] appearing in the body boundary conditions contain the first and second derivatives of the steady potential over the wetted surface of the ship. However, the free-surface boundary condition was kept linear in the present study. The added resistances of the Wigley II and III models in head seas obtained using Maruo’s formula showing acceptable comparison with experimental results, have been presented. The added resistances in following seas obtained using Maruo’s formula have also been presented.

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