Damping of waves in moonpools has been investigated. Several different geometries of the moonpool have been considered, which are being mainly characterised by a piston motion of the free surface in the moonpools, while some sloshing effects are visible. A numerical damping approach has been implemented into a viscous solver to simulate the effect of perforated bulkheads without the necessity to create a complex grid. The simulations have been compared with respective model tests. Two different porosities of the bulkhead have been experimentally investigated. The simulations have been conducted for a variety of Froude numbers, moonpool layouts and in calm water as well as waves. A dependency of the surface elevation natural frequency on the ship speed has been found. Furthermore, the numerically determined surface elevation inside the moonpool has been compared with respective experimental data. Based on the surface elevation, the resulting damping for the different layouts is determined and discussed.
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ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering
June 25–30, 2017
Trondheim, Norway
Conference Sponsors:
- Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Division
Numerical and Experimental Damping of Piston and Sloshing Motions in Moonpools
Jan Löhrmann,
Jan Löhrmann
Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
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Pablo M. Carrica,
Pablo M. Carrica
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
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Andrés Cura-Hochbaum
Andrés Cura-Hochbaum
Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
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Jan Löhrmann
Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Pablo M. Carrica
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Andrés Cura-Hochbaum
Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Paper No:
OMAE2017-61637, V001T01A005; 15 pages
Published Online:
September 25, 2017
Löhrmann, J, Carrica, PM, & Cura-Hochbaum, A. "Numerical and Experimental Damping of Piston and Sloshing Motions in Moonpools." Proceedings of the ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Volume 1: Offshore Technology. Trondheim, Norway. June 25–30, 2017. V001T01A005. ASME. https://doi.org/10.1115/OMAE2017-61637
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