Transportation in Arctic seas is connected with variability of routes. Availability of those routes is depending on current environmental conditions. In the paper the algorithm for navigation system, which is intended to advice captain the most economically effective and less risky route with the presence of ice chart, is proposed.

Smart navigation system for Arctic seas has specific: shortest ways can occur to be impassable or too risky. More long routes through free waters can finally take less fuel comparing to shorter, but covered with ice. Thus, economical profitability of operating in Arctic seas depends on effectiveness of route choosing.

To make estimations about most effective route and its length, the method based on graph algorithms is presented in this paper. The ice chart is covered by the graph, which can have form of grid, with neighbor nodes connected by edges. In general, multiple parameters can be assigned to each edge — length, maximal ice thickness on the way, risk, etc. In this paper two separate cost functions are considered: first is responsible for travel expenses, and the second is responsible for ice passability on the route.

To find most economically efficient route with minimal possible ice thickness on the way the method with graph modification and Dijkstra algorithm was used. This route provides Pareto-optimal solution for reduced version of the problem.

The software, which implements the method, was built. The example of searching for least expensive and Pareto-optimal route is provided. Results are discussed.

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