Wells turbine is a kind of self-rectified air turbines used in an oscillatory water column (OWC) device for wave energy conversion. In this study, a steady three-dimensional simulation of a fan-shaped Wells turbine is performed on Star CCM+ commercial software by solving the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations. The turbulence effects are taken into account by using the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model. Good agreement between the numerical results and the experimental results within the operation region (5< α <11 degrees) is observed. The geometry of the turbine rotor has a significant effect on the performance of energy conversion. Inspired by the aerodynamics of low Reynolds flyer, the normal fan-shaped Wells turbine is optimized by a bio-mimetic method in which the profile of a hawk moth wing of Manduca Sexta is applied on the blades. The modified turbine has a lower torque and pressure drop coefficient with higher efficiency. The maximum efficiency for the modified turbine is 0.61, compared to 0.48 for the normal fan-shaped one. By analysis of the detailed flow-field, it has also been found that only the middle parts of the blade can effectively generate the momentum. In order to acquire a higher efficiency, further optimization is carried out by refining some blade parts in the tip and the hub which cannot effectively produce power.

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