FCP (Fatigue Crack Propagation) based fatigue assessments of a welded joint in a 2800 TEU container ship which sails on North Atlantic routes are performed. The Great-circle course with small variation of relative heading angle and a southerly course with large variation of relative heading angle are considered. Short sea sequences are generated by using ‘storm model’ developed by Osaka University and ‘spatio-temporal model’ developed by Chalmers University. Sea keeping analyses are performed for both cases wherein the variation in wave direction’s occurrence probability is considered (‘real headings model’) and not (‘all-headings model’). FCP analyses are performed considering plasticity-induced crack closure by using FASTRAN-II. Fatigue crack propagation lives and characteristics of crack propagation retardation due to excessive loads are compared. Based these results, the influence of the difference in load sequence model on FCP-based fatigue assessment result is discussed.

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