Four sensors were installed on the Snorre A TLP (Tension Leg Platform) on 16th April 2014 and retrieved on 10th May 2014, to document motions of the vessel, top tensioned riser (TTR) and flexible jumper connecting the TTR (Top Tensioned Riser) with the topside piping. The data recorded represents 3828 data sets. Associated significant wave height and peak period is synchronous data extracted from the Miros wave measurement radar and stored in the environmental data base. The SmartMotion riser sensors are certified for service in the Wellbay. The sensors are modelled into the OrcaFlex (1) “calibration” analysis model in order to simulate the motion responses in the same format as recorded offshore (accelerations and rates of rotation), and to carry out verification of the OrcaFlex model by comparing both raw data and filtered/integrated derivatives. This work provides a basis for life extension of the Jumpers and provides valuable feedback to design and analysis of TLP and Spar Jumpers between TTRs and topside Headers.

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