In this paper, a simplified reliability model is developed to identify how the pipe-in-pipe component uncertainties (manufacturing tolerances of centralizer thickness) influence the fatigue life of the system. The focus is on the reliability analysis with respect to the centralizer thickness. In order to reduce the complexity of the problem, only the centralizer thickness is considered to be a random variable. A limit function is formulated based on the three dimension (3D) finite element analysis. With the help of the probabilistic method, the correlation between the centralizer thickness and the failure probability is investigated. Two examples on pipe-in-pipe pipeline system are analyzed. The first one presents the relationship between centralizer thickness and failure probability for inner and outer pipes. The second one is an application of six mile pipe-in-pipe pipeline system. The failure probability of the fatigue is estimated. The influence of the centralizer thickness decreasing with time due to the abrasion, creep wear and elastic deformation is also considered when computing fatigue life and failure probability. The maximum fatigue damage ratio is calculated based on all trial samples generated considering manufacturing tolerances. If the maximum fatigue damage ratio is less than or equal to the allowable fatigue damage ratio, the failure probabilities with respect to the given centralizer thickness is negligible and the design is acceptable if only considering the influence of the given centralizer thickness. In addition, numerical results show that the maximum fatigue damage ratio possibly exceeds the allowable fatigue damage ratio considering manufacturing tolerances although the deterministic fatigue damage ratio is less than the allowable fatigue damage ratio.
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ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering
May 31–June 5, 2015
St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
Conference Sponsors:
- Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Division
Reliability Analysis and Design for Pipe-in-Pipe Pipelines With Centralizers
Brian Duffy
Brian Duffy
Genesis, Houston, TX
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Steve Mao
Genesis, Houston, TX
Muhammad Kamal
Genesis, Houston, TX
Wei Qiao
Genesis, Houston, TX
Gang Dong
Genesis, Houston, TX
Brian Duffy
Genesis, Houston, TX
Paper No:
OMAE2015-41327, V05BT04A012; 8 pages
Published Online:
October 21, 2015
Mao, S, Kamal, M, Qiao, W, Dong, G, & Duffy, B. "Reliability Analysis and Design for Pipe-in-Pipe Pipelines With Centralizers." Proceedings of the ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Volume 5B: Pipeline and Riser Technology. St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. May 31–June 5, 2015. V05BT04A012. ASME.
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