The constant advance of offshore oil and gas production in deeper waters worldwide led to increasing operational loads on flexible pipes, making mechanical failures more susceptible. Therefore, it is important to develop more reliable numerical tools used in the design phase or during the lifetime to ensure the structural integrity of flexible pipes under specific operating conditions. This paper presents a methodology to develop simple finite element models capable of reproducing the behavior of structural layers of flexible pipes under external hydrostatic pressure up to collapse. These models use beam elements and, in multi-layer analyses, include nonlinear contact between layers. Because of the material anisotropy induced by the manufacturing process, an alternative method was carried out to estimate the average stress-strain curves of the metallic layers used in the numerical simulations. The simulations are performed for two different configurations: one where the flexible pipe is composed only of the interlocked armor, and another considering interlocked armor and pressure armor. The adequacy of the numerical models is finally evaluated in light of experimental tests on flexible pipes with nominal internal diameters of 4 and 6 in.

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