Buoyant Leg Storage and Regasification Platform (BLSRP) is the recent innovation in offshore structural engineering, which is essentially designed as storage and processing platform. The platform rests on six buoyant legs, which supports the deck through hinged joints. This is new hybrid conceptual design that restrains transfer of both rotational and translational responses from the BLS to the deck and vice-versa. BLSs are connected to the sea bed through taut mooring system. Numerical studies are carried out on the BLSRP at 600 m water depth, highlighting its dynamic response behavior under regular waves. Based on the studies conducted, it is seen that response of the deck is not influenced by wave action due to the presence of hinged joints. The proposed structural form proves to be effective in controlling the deck response in all active degrees-of-freedom. This improves the operational safety and shows high recentering capabilities even under large surge displacements.

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