The TLP model tests in CresT [1] showed that there is a significant difference in the maximum load events due to long-crested and short-crested waves of same peak period and significant wave height. This decrease in load amplitudes for increasing spreading was not dominated by the reduction in crest heights, but related to a change in wave excitation. In ShorT-CresT wave-in-deck model tests were carried out with the focus on the physics of impact loading. The primary objective of the platform tests was to link crest height and wave impact with local and global loading on the deck. The model test results showed that the global vertical loads in short-crested waves can be similar to long-crested events, if the wetted deck area is comparable. In other words, the platform deck loading corresponds to the relative short-crestedness of the sea state: if the crest length is at least as large as the characteristic deck dimension, the loads are significantly larger than for lower crest lengths (step change). In this paper the results of the wave-in-deck model tests are presented and discussed. The analysis of the model tests is focused on a comparison between short-crested and long-crested impacts and a comparison of the measurements to a simplified loading model.

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